Entities (a.k.a. “Relationships”)

Note: MonkeyPod’s API uses the term “entity” to refer to what MonkeyPod itself calls a “relationship”. This is to avoid confusion in a context where the word “relationship” can have a different, technical meaning (i.e. when a database record is connected to one or more other records). It is also useful to distinguish the person/organization itself from the totality of your relationship with that person/organization.

Create a New Entity

use MonkeyPod\Api\Resources\Entity;

$person = new Entity;
$person->type = "Individual";
$person->first_name = "Jane";
$person->last_name = "Smith";
$person->organization_name = "Acme, Inc.";
$person->email = "jane.smith@example.com";

 * If you didn't supply an ID, one will be assigned by MonkeyPod, 
 * which you probably want to store for future reference (for example, 
 * to associate it with a data record in your application that corresponds
 * or relates to the created entity).

Retrieve an Entity

use MonkeyPod\Api\Resources\Entity;

$idFromPreviousApiCall = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx";
$person = new Entity($idFromPreviousApiCall);

$person->first_name; // Jane

Update an Entity

use MonkeyPod\Api\Resources\Entity;

$id = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx";

// The Entity object must know the ID of the API resource 
$person = new Entity($id);

// Update requests combine all populated data with any additional data 
// that is included in the update() call. 

$person->first_name = "John";
    'last_name' => 'Jones'

$nowNamedJohn = new Entity($id);
$nowNamedJohn->first_name; // John
$nowNamedJohn->last_name;  // Jones

Delete (or Deactivate) an Entity

Note: An entity will only be deleted in MonkeyPod if that can be done without violating data integrity. If the entity has associated transactions or other related data, it will be deactivated instead.

use MonkeyPod\Api\Resources\Entity;

$id = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx";
$person = new Entity($id);

Match Existing Entities

EntityCollection resources can be asked to match against a comparator Entity resource to find possible matches in your MonkeyPod database. You can attempt to match against an ID, an email address, or a first and last name. Possible matches will be populated to the collection with the strongest candidates first.

use MonkeyPod\Api\Resources\Entity;

$comparator = new Entity();
$comparator->email = 'jane@example.com';

$matches = new MonkeyPod\Api\Resources\EntityCollection();

// or

$comparator = new Entity();
$comparator->first_name = 'Jane';
$comparator->last_name = 'Smith';

$matches = new MonkeyPod\Api\Resources\EntityCollection();