Create a Donation
use MonkeyPod\Api\Resources\Transactions\Donation;
$donation = new Donation();
$donation->date = "2022-01-01";
$donation->donor_id = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx";
$donation->asset_account_id = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx";
$donation->setNongiftMemo("Donor received tickets to event with open bar and hors d'oeuvres");
Retrieve a Donation
use MonkeyPod\Api\Resources\Transactions\Donation;
$donation = new Donation($id);
// URL to view fund release in MonkeyPod
Retrieve a Donation Collection
use MonkeyPod\Api\Resources\Transactions\DonationCollection;
$donations = new DonationCollection();
Filtering by Fiscal Sponsee
Donation collections support a filter called withFiscalSponsee(string $subdomain)
. This filter is only applicable to organizations that function as fiscal sponsors on MonkeyPod. If you are a fiscal sponsor, you may pass the MonkeyPod subdomain for a specific fiscal sponsee to filter by donations made in support of that project.